' Red-
tailed Bedouins
of Poetry, black
cockatoos embroider
the sun into us,
seam-rip it asunder.
On the Fitzroy's
bank at midday,
cracking seeds of eucalypts
that outrank Council, a hundred
Banks' black cockatoos,
a paroxysm of commas.
With their subtler
ions, the females infinitely
more beautiful
than the ludicrously coloured gatherers.
The gospel according to the locals:
'Four black cockatoos
kreeing seawards
means four days of rain'
(burkesbackyard.com.au confirms it).
I am not a God-fearing man.'
- Stuart Barnes
A print of the original signed watercolour painting by Danielle Nash, printed on beautiful 300gsm paper.
Featuring coastal banksia (Banksia Intergrifolia) and a male and female red tailed black cockatoo.